How We Do It
At SlieaGen, our comprehensive quality management system ensures reliable sample handling, testing, data collection, sample storage and shipment solutions.
We provide a wide range of human biological materials, including:
whole blood
solid tissue
SlieaGen can also help connect you with unique biopsy materials, including rare pathologies and communicable diseases, as well as endocrine, immune, oncologic, obstetric, cardiac and genetic disorders.
By maintaining a reputation for quality and worldwide delivery capabilities, SlieaGen is the best choice to support your study program requirements. We specialize in sourcing the rare specimen types.
We offer a wide supply of biological specimens under applicable guidelines (IRB/IEC or MOH) from patients around the world, from normal and various disease stages, that are important in the field of clinical research on infectious diseases.
Through its biorepository services, SlieaGen also provides short and long-term storage of the biological specimens below.
ViralChikungunya COVID-19 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Dengue Epstein-Barr virus Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis C serial collection on treatment Hepatitis E HIV-1 group M HIV-1 group O HIV-2 Human T-lymphotropic virus I and II (HTLV I/II) Parvovirus B-19 Zika
BacterialE. coli Leptispirosis Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) Syphilis Typhus
ParasiticChagas Leishmanasis Malaria
CancerBlood Breast Cervical Colon Endometrial Esophageal Kidney Liver/Hepatocellular Pancreatic Rectal Stomach Uterine
CardiacCongestive Heart Failure Stroke Troponin
ObstetricPreeclampsia Pregnant High Risk Pregnant Normals
OtherCadaveric Febrile, unknown origin Hemodialysis IgM positive Normal
Other Liver DiseaseAlcoholic Liver Disease Autoimmune Hepatitis Hemochromatosis Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) Sarcoidosis